Unit B204, Sandown Square Business Park, Cape Town

Education: Psychosocial Support

Education: Psychosocial Support

The Classroom is a blueprint for Life VisibleInternalThe busy beeAction, action, action, if I just keep moving, I might get something rightThe clownEmotional distraction through laughter, life is scary, distrustfulThe actorI will be whatever you want me to be, fears...
Education: Cognitive Development

Education: Cognitive Development

Eventually you get comfortable and you don’t want a house. You start believing that the house is unnecessary because it is cumbersome and large and has sooo many needs…. The exact same thing happens when you limit your mind. The mind has reach and breadth we have yet...
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

As a single mother the only difference between me and any other young mother out there was that first 12 years of foundational education. From age 6 to 18 my head was in a book or in a class; I had a great start. By the time ‘life happened’ I had the internal...
Literacy Diagnostics

Literacy Diagnostics

This is the ability to assess for learning gaps in linguistics and numeracy at the right time for the learner to effectively close the gap. The diagnostic skills held by teachers require room for investment, by this we mean classroom time and focus. To make a...
If you can read, you can conquer the world

If you can read, you can conquer the world

Think about every platform of information that the ‘new world’ operates on and assess how long it will take for the youth to understand that they do not need ‘Degrees’ in the traditional way anymore. There is a generation of us that harbours a fear for the less formal...

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