Unit B204, Sandown Square Business Park, Cape Town

About Us

Non -Profit Organisation: 280-896 NPO
BEE: Level 1 (135%)
Black beneficiaries: 100%

Digital Springboard is a non-profit social enterprise operating in South Africa that applies an evidence-based approach to the application of technologies for education. Their learner centric, pedagogy driven model to education technology in the classroom focuses on the educator as the driver of tech-based lessons ensuring greater synergy between traditional pedagogy and EdTech driven pedagogy. When carefully designed and thoughtfully applied, technology can accelerate, amplify, and expand the impact of effective teaching practices. However, to be transformative, educators need to have the knowledge and skills to take full advantage of these new technology-rich learning environments.

Digital Springboard provides a structured implementation framework that supports education technologies to reach classrooms in Southern Africa.


To advance education pedagogy by the application of technologies and digital content (edtech) in the classroom.


Supporting teacher-led digital change in the classroom, guiding the enhancement of traditional education pedagogy thus strengthening the existing education framework. Provide educators and schools with education technologies and content that impacts education outcomes.

Desired Outcomes

To impact primary school education results towards improved literacy, stronger academic achievement and engaged communities.

Digital Springboard


Put innovative pedagogies together with new technologies and you have a powerful brew. Take, for example, flipped learning where students are introduced to a topic through instructional videos then explore the topic in more depth in the classroom. There’s now good evidence that flipped learning is effective, providing the classroom time is used for cooperative learning. Flipped learning combines two of the big four pedagogies – the students do personalized learning while watching, pausing and reviewing the video, then they engage in cooperative learning and problem solving for the classroom lessons.

Mike Sharples, Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology at The Open University UK.

School Kids
Digital Springboard
School Kids
Digital Springboard
School Kids
Digital Springboard

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